05 março 2013

Bibliografia para estudo da Confissão de Fé de Westminster

Se você quiser estudar o contexto histórico e a estrutura teológica da Confissão de Fé de Westminster permita-me sugerir alguns livros que são indispensáveis para uma pesquisa proveitosa.

1. Clark, Gordon H., What do Presbyterians believe? (Unicoi, The Trinity Foundation, 2001).
2. Clark, R. Scott, Recovering the Reformed Confession – Our Theology, Piety and Practive (P&R Publishing, Phillipsurg, 2008).
3. Cunningham, William, Historical Theology (Still Waters Revival Books, 1991), vol. 2.
4. Dennison, Jr., James T., org., Reformed Confessions of the 16th and 17th Centuries in English Translation – 1523-1552 (Grand Rapids, Reformation Heritage Books, 2008), vol. 1.
5. ______________________ , Reformed Confessions of the 16th and 17th Centuries in English Translation – 1552-1566 (Grand Rapids, Reformation Heritage Books, 2010), vol. 2.
6. Dickson, David, Truth’s victory over error – a commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith (Edinburgh, The Banner of Truth, 2007).
7. Hall, David W., ed., The Practice of Confessional Subscription (Oak Ridge, Covenant Foundation, 2001).
8. Hetherington, William M., History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines (Elgin, Puritan Publications, 2006).
9. Hodge, A.A., Confissão de Fé de Westminster Comentada (São Paulo, Editora Os Puritanos, 1999).
10. González, L., Visão Panorâmica da História da Igreja (São Paulo, Ed. Vida Nova, 1998).
11. Gillespie, George, The Works of George Gillespie (AB Canada: Still Waters Revival Books, 1991), vol. 2.
12. Kerr, Guilherme, A Assembleia de Westminster (São José dos Campos, Editora Fiel, 1992),
13. Kidd, B.J., Documents illustrative of the continental Reformation (Eugene, Wipf & Stock, 2004).
14. Lane, Tony, Pensamento Cristão – Da Reforma à Modernidade (São Paulo, Press Abba, 1999), vol. 2.
15. Letham, Robert, The Westminster Assembly – Reading its Theology in Historical Context (Phillipsburg, P&R Publishing, 2009).
16. Murray, Iain H., The Reformation of the Church – a collection of reformed and puritan documents on Church issues (Edinburgh, The Banner of Truth, 1997).
17. Schaff, Philip, The Creeds of Christendom (Grand Rapids, Baker Books, 2007), 3 vols.
18. Simões, Ulisses H., A subscrição confessional – necessidade, relevância e extensão (Belo Horizonte, Efrata Publicações, 2002).
19. Shaw, Robert, The Reformed Faith – an exposition of the Westminster Confession of Faith (Inverness, Christian Focus Publications, 1973).
20. Smith, Morton H., The case for full subscription to the Westminster Standards in the Presbyterian Church in America (Greenville, GPTS Press, 1992).
21. Spear, Wayne, Faith of our fathers – a commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith (Pittsburgh, Crown & Covenant Publications, 2006).
22. Warfield, B.B., Studies in Theology in: The Works of. B.B. Warfield (Grand Rapids, Baker Book, 2003), vol. 9.
23. __________ , The Westminster Assembly and its work in: The Works of B.B. Warfield (Grand Rapids, Baker Book, 2003), vol. 6.

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