24 abril 2020

Estudando a Confissão de Fé de Westminster

Se você pretende estudar o contexto histórico e a estrutura teológica da Confissão de Fé de Westminster, permita-me sugerir alguns livros que são indispensáveis para uma pesquisa proveitosa. A lista de livros e textos não pretende ser exaustiva, mas apenas uma amostra do que está disponível para incentivar aos pesquisadores.


1. A. Craig Troxel, “Divine Right” Presbyterianism and Church Power (Diss. PhD., Westminster Theological Seminary, 1998).

2. Acts of the General Assembly of the Church Scotland 1632-1842 – Reprinted from the original edition, under the superintendence of The Church Law Society (Edinburgh, The Edinburgh Printing and Publishing Company, 1898).

3. B.B. Warfield, "The Westminster Assembly and its work" in: The Works of B.B. Warfield (Grand Rapids, Baker Book, 2003), vol. 6

4. Chad van Dixhoorn, The Minutes and Papers of Westminster Assembly 1643-1652 (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012), 5 vols.

5. David R. Ehalt, The Development of Early Congregational Theory of the Church, with Special Reference to the Five "Dissenting Brethren" at the Westminster Assembly (Diss. PhD., Claremont Graduate School and University Center, 1969).

6. Ethyn Williams Kirby, “The English Presbyterians in the Westminster Assembly” in: Church History, Vol. 33, No. 4 (Cambridge University Press on behalf of the American Society of Church History, Dec., 1964), pp. 418-428.

7. George Gillespie, The Works of George Gillespie (AB Canada: Still Waters Revival Books, 1991), vol. 2.

8. Guilherme Kerr, A Assembleia de Westminster (São José dos Campos, Editora Fiel, 1992).

9. James Kevin Culberson, For Reformation and Uniformity”: George Gillespie (1613-1648) and the Scottish Covenanter Revolution (Diss. PhD., University of North Texas, 2003).

10. John H. Leith, Assembly at Westminster – Reformed Theology in the Making (Atlanta, John Knox Press, 1978).

11. J. Ligon Duncan, III, ed., The Westminster Confession into the 21st Century (Ross-shire, Mentor Imprint, 2005), 3 vols.

12. John Lightfoot, The Journal of the Proceedings of the Assembly of Divines: From January 1, 1643, to December 31, 1644 in: The Whole Works of the Rev. John Lightfoot, D. D., editado por John Rogers, Vol. 13.

13. John R.H. Corbett, The Churches in England and Scotland, 1603-1649: A Study in Church Union (Thes. S.T.M., McGill University, 1970).

14. Larry Jackson Hglley, The Divines of the Westminster Assembly - A Study of Puritanism and Parliament (Diss. PhD., Yale University, 1979).

15. Paul Joseph Smith, The Debates on Church Government at the Westminster Assembly of Divines, 1643-1646 (Diss. PhD., Boston University Graduate School, 1975).

15. Robert Baillie, The Letters and Journals of Robert Baillie (Edinburgh, A. Laurie Publisher, 1842) 3 vols.

16. Robert Letham, The Westminster Assembly – Reading its Theology in Historical Context (Phillipsburg, P&R Publishing, 2009).

17. Samuel R. Gardiner, ed., Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution of from 1628-1660 (Oxford, Oxford University Press, The Clarendon Press, 1889).

18. Wayne R. Spear, Covenanted Uniformity in Religion: The Influence of the Scottish Commissioners upon the Ecclesiology Assembly of the Westminster (Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh, Diss. Ph.D., 1976).

19. William M. Hetherington, History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines (Elgin, Puritan Publications, 2006).


1. Chad van Dixhoorn, Guia de estudos da Confissão de Fé de Westminster (São Paulo, Editora Cultura Cristã, 2017).

2. David Dickson, Truth’s victory over error – a commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith (Edinburgh, The Banner of Truth, 2007).

3. G.I. Williamson, The Westminster Confession of Faith for Study Classes (Edinburgh, The Banner of Truth, 1964).

4. Gordon H. Clark, What do Presbyterians believe? (Unicoi, The Trinity Foundation, 2001).

5. Hodge, A.A., Confissão de Fé de Westminster Comentada (São Paulo, Editora Os Puritanos, 1999).

6. Robert Shaw, The Reformed Faith – an exposition of the Westminster Confession of Faith (Inverness, Christian Focus Publications, 1973).

7. Wayne R. Spear, Faith of our fathers – a commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith (Pittsburgh, Crown & Covenant Publications, 2006).


1. www.westminsterconfession.org [a biografia, documentos e as obras dos membros da Assembleia de Westminster].

2. www.prdl.org [as obras dos teólogos e os documentos da Assembleia de Westminster e diversos outros]

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